‘Do important work with people who inspire you’ – Q&A with Grace Aranow

A quick Q&A with Grace Aranow, Program Associate at The Clean Fight NY 

What is your most surprising prediction about cities?

Grace Aranow

Perhaps not a surprise, but the widespread adoption of a Circular Economy mindset, where the life cycle of every resource is reimagined using a systematic approach. Europe is ahead of the US on this front, but both economies have a long way to go.

Who is the person who has most influenced the way you think about cities and technology?

Danny Kennedy, the CEO of our parent organization, New Energy Nexus

What 2-3 books / podcasts would you recommend?

  1. The Ezra Klein Show at the New York Times (hope)
  2. The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells (fear)
  3. Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan (perspective)

Where’s the best place for new ideas?

Outdoors in a quiet place at dawn or dusk. Short of that, anywhere with fresh air and no computer screens.

Who inspires you?

Amanda Gorman, our nation’s first Youth Poet Laureate

What are the skills we’ll need in 10 years?

The ability to listen, the willingness to change, and the wisdom to prioritize what is important over what feels urgent.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Do important work with people who inspire you.

What is your call to action?

Creating a healthier and more abundant future for our global community.


Connect with Grace on LinkedIn